(Rashid's poem)
The Word "Brother"
Ahmed's eyes teared out, (he is) the descendant of a well known and prideful family
His tears expresses what a poet can never express in words
His pen would be unable to describe such feelings 1
I swear Ahmed, if you just know what's in this heart 2
It's full of sorrow, that even if I wanted to hide, how can I hide it?
And I ordered my eyes to honor the noble people by crying over them
I swear, if my tears would bring him back, I would let all my tears out
I cried until this sun, became darkness to my eyes
I would request to divide my lifetime to two
I would give Rashid half of my lifetime, I would see him alive again
And tell him how precious he is to me, and what is his rank in my heart
I would fight my sadness, by recalling his memories, his goodness, and defeat it
I defeat my sorrow in front of people, assuming my heart is a rock
And whenever I'm all alone, it burns me so bad
I try to act with pride, but my soul surrendered to this pain
I have beautiful memories with him, in every country I visited
But now, that he is gone, they became painful memories
If he doesn't understand life yet, life would teach him a lesson
The friend is dear indeed, but, the brother is a total different story
They are not on the same level
He would forget about anything else, and would sell out your friendship with a cheap price, no matter how much good you did to him
But the brother, can never sell out your brotherhood
Because you were born with your love built in, in his heart
Brotherhood relations would always fill him with love towards you
The word "Brother" comes out from my brother's mouth, is the best word that can ever come out of a mouth
Because it comes from his heart before it comes out of his mouth
I wish this grave knows how great is the man we just buried
How great was he when he was alive, and how great is he when he is dead
And say: O You Most Merciful on your worshipers, please protect him from afterlife agony
Just before he dies, our soldiers scarified their lives, to protect this country
May Allah give us the strength to overcome this, and may his soul rest in peace.
By Fazza
1. Or situations
2.Hamdan´s Heart
3.In my Heart
Special Thanks to: Sara Ba
Taken from http://lyricstranslate.com/fr/kilmat-akhi-%D9%83%D9%84%D9%85%D8%A9-%D8%A3%D8%AE%D9%8A-rashids-poem-word-brother.html#ixzz3ma7hzhwW

Beautiful Snap Poem
¨One of the People¨

Beautiful Snap Poem
¨The Human Being¨

¨Three Times¨
3 Times
You threatened to leave me 3 times
And I've told you not to do so, in the whole 3 times
Seems we no longer love each other
I see we've come to crossroads
I've loved you for years, surely I'll long for you!
But you dishonored those feelings by abandoning me,
where you could've just reach out to me
I've been patient enough, and this is out of my manners
Cause I know, the land of loyalty will dry out without loyality
And because you're my beloved who took my heart
With the naturally eye-lined eyes 1
You're the tenderest among the girls, with the best fashion taste
And among the girls, you has the tiniest waist
You have a fan base as large as my fan base
The hardest question in a lover's life
That I've asked you before, but I couldn't find an answer
How can you easily leave me? with all this love in my heart for you?
While I intended to leave you, but I just couldn't!
By Fazza (Sheikh Hamdan)
1.Metaphor that means the eyes with the heavy long eyelashes that would seem like if the person is wearing an eyeliner.
2.As if the lips are flowers
Translated By : Sara Ba

Beautiful Snap Poem
¨Wounds of Regret¨
Beautiful Snap Poem
¨The Cloud¨
Beautiful Snap Poem
¨I Sing¨

¨Farewell Day¨
¨Youm El-Wedaa - يوم الوداع¨
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لا شفتني ضايق وأهل الدمع وأبكي باقتناع لا تحزنك عيني ولا تشره على دمعاتها أنا فقط حبيت أدربها على يوم الوداع أحبابنا قاسيين والأيام هي عاداتها |
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مهما جلسنا نضحك ونأخذ من الحب المتاع لا بد لحظات المفارق نرتشف كاساتها حتى لو أكذب وأتوهم حبنا وهم وخداع والدمعة اللي في عيوني تعكس معاناتها |
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حتى خفوقي لو يقول انه على بعدك شجاع ساعة فراقك مستحيل ان يحتمل لحظاتها |
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كل ما نظرت لرمش عينك جيت لأمرك بانصياع تقول كان الجاذبية في هدبك اثباتها بشبع عيوني من عيونك شوف قدر المستطاع عل وعساها تكتفي بالشوف من لذاتها |
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من قبل أعرفك كان شعري من ضياع إلى ضياع والحين يمشي بس لعيونك على مرضاتها |
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لو ما ذكرتك في قصيدي صار شعري في صراع دفاتري تبغيك تتواجد على صفحاتها |
Translated by Sara Ba

Beautiful Snap Poem
İ told her i'm burning for this love,
she replied, sorry Hamdan i don't understand,
would you send me a picture to get what u mean.
So i sent this pic, i hope she gets it now.

FazzaPoems |
Some hints enough to explain, and some of it hurts my heart.
If my poem didn´t make clouds cry and didn´t make plants excite here he named one of desert plant called artemisa so I write plant...
I swear I will only write people thoughts without my feelings I train my poetry for meaning like how I can train my horses,
And my poem finally come like very important respected person in the family...
By Fazza

¨I wish I were a painter
to depict the situation of lover and My mood,
the track of lovers are full of couples.
Among them, there is someone still inside My mind.
The imam can control his feeling and,
If those who is going to envy me, experiences My pain,
indeed he will pity for me.¨
By Fazza

You sale love and, if someone sale, some others buy it...
I know how people feeling from their eyes,
The question I always think about it,
¿How much pay 4 the kindness?
Don´t think my eyes cry for persons who cut me from their life´s
I have my place and people have their own place...
Some people when they absent you think about them
and, others you know you don´t need them when they absent...
We cry for people who are in our life and we love them
and, some people we don´t care about their death news...
By Fazza

To my mother
For all it´s vast ocean, Dubai seems small
Because its sun has disappeared
Weep, Dubai´s deserts and trees
And the birds have lost their will to sing
And Zabeel, its palace darkened
Only the echo replies
And stars seek their full moon
Which will illuminate the dark black night
Oh candle and light of our house
Oh mother, with yearning, I am burning
If my verses are not enough
My sighs show my yearning
She lends her fragrance to the breeze
Scented flowers are green with envy
The heart beats with with her memory
The vision of her in my eye sleeps
My Allah bestow long life upon her
To stay with us so long
And bring her soon from her travels
By His will she will return in good health
By Fazza
A mi Madre
A pesar de su vasto océano, Dubai parece pequeño
debido a su sol ha desaparecido...
Lloran, desiertos y árboles de Dubai
Y los pájaros han perdido su voluntad de cantar
solo el eco responde
Y las estrellas buscan su luna llena
Que iluminará la noche negra oscura...
Oh vela y luz de nuestra casa
Oh madre, con anhelo, me estoy quemando
Si mis versos no son suficientes
Mis suspiros muestran mi anhelo,
Ella presta su fragancia a la brisa,
Flores perfumadas son verdes de envidia
El corazón late con su memoria
La visión de ella en mi ojo duerme...
Mi Allah conceda larga vida sobre ella
Para estar con nosotros por mucho tiempo
Y regresarla pronto de sus viajes,
Por su voluntad, ella volverá en buen estado de salud.
By Fazza
Traducido por dxb.mx

FazzaPoems |
Red Roses
Red roses are the prettiest thing in the garden
Between the singing birds and the green land
Love is a trust inside
and appears outside without feelings
we cannot know how others feel...
Now tell me,
How exactly can a person know about how others feel?
When love cannot be shown,
People could be different from the inside and could be two-faced!
And you my person,
Choose one face then understand it then show it to me,
It’s been a year,
and you are not sad nor happy with me
You seductive long lashes took me far away.
And when I saw you...
your love settled deep in my heart
Deep down and my feelings are complaining about your absence
You are hurting me by abandoning me,
And I am left with countless amounts of pain
A pain that is invisible to the eye,
and a pain that is visible to the eye,
A pain that goes through my veins,
A pain that is like a sword stabbing of my enemies,
A pain that kills the one who is in love,
If I tried to explain it, I would fail
A pain that it is stuck in my memories and cannot be forgotten,
I always remember it even if I have already forgotten about it
My pain is immeasurable,
You will be wrong if you cannot know whose fault is this...
Every person has a person in life,
whom you will still love no matter what they do
And if being in love is not amusing
Just be in peace and stay alone
Don’t try to teach me lessons,
Before you,
Mohamed Al Maktoom
taught me that in bad times
your true friend should snort loud like a horse for you
And if someone denies what good others did for them,
I would never respect them even if they were one of my brothers.
By Fazza

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You and I |
Your gaze goes through my veins,
God bless you from the people who are jealous of you...
Baby, take the shela -veil- off your face,
Don´t be shy, it is only you and I
I like the way you talk, I can never be bored
The words that come out of your lips are so beautiful
Along with your eyelashes and their shadows on your cheeks
I can see them bending over through the reflection and my heart bends over with it
Show me your passion and allow me to cool it down
We are going to die anyway, just like everyone else
You shine like the sun when you appear
And the flowers are waiting for it´s rise
I can say that the sun is humiliated by your bright face.
Allah made you so special
After you left, my heart is on fire and my tears keep falling
Why the suffering? Why feeling so hopeless?
Sadness has taken over both of us
After being together in happiness
If you said ,I have to go back to her,
I said I will
But, there is no security wherever we go
What is the solution to a man’s sorrow?
Especially, when the man is ambitious like me?
By Fazza

The Distance |
The Distance
Please, think twice about our love before it fades away.
I’m afraid after the long distance, it will be hard to come back.
Tell me, what is the point of being separated?
Since we agreed that being mad at each other is childish?
We will die for each other since we are still alive.
Beautiful, just let it go.
Don’t make the haters happy by our separation.
Don’t take my heart and break it.
We can see the end coming, what is the point of separation now?
Because of our longing to each other, the stars slept while we are still awake.
By Fazza

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Traducido por dxb.mx

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Do Not Blame Me |
Do not blame me when I joke with you
and do not account that on the wrong way
If you joked with me, my heart would pardon you
because my heart need your complacence
and it never need any one instead of you…
It promise you about that
I want to know that... How do you refuse me
although I do not refuse you?…!
My eyes do not sleep and
They wait your arrival, as you are far...
I need your warmth and you have to know that
You are very valuable and
there is not anyone who arrive to your valuable.
The nights have not any taste without you
The farewell is the disease
and the meeting is the medication...
My guess in you is not that... you abandon me
only because I joked with you...
ßy Fazza

A Sorrowful Heart
Do the problems in Palestine not make the world weep
Nation leaders staying quiet, being Israel´s sheep
It is a sad state of affairs that makes you think
If in humanity there is really any Brotherhood link?
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By Fazza |
We watch our palestinian blood being shed by the Zionist movement, Israeli led
We hope and we pray that the nations unite Asian, African and Caucasian white.
Sending the message of courage and hope To the familes in palestine who are struggling to cope
I leave you to pray for the lives that have been lost
Mothers losing their children, an expensive cost...
Is this the price that they should pay
Living in a land where their forefathers lay?
The injustice hurts and we must be strong
This circle of violence has gone on for far too long...
Traducido por dxb.mx

¨Blessed May¨
Abrand New Month,May it be full of goods,
happiness and success.
May it be the beginning
of a great distney.
May our dreams come true
through this month.
May we have goods from
somewhere we never expected.

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